
The Northwest New Mexico EmComm Group is a dedicated group of volunteer amateur radio operators who serve their community through their hobby.

The group meets monthly and exercises their abilities twice weekly in a variety of skills to support emergency operations at any level, as well as lending those skills to a variety of local groups through community service.

Excerpts from the National Emergency Communication Plan of 2019

“Likewise, volunteer organizations such as auxiliary communications volunteers play key roles in emergency communications and preparedness. Volunteer emergency communications operators and groups using amateur radio have been providing backup communications to event planners, public safety officials, and emergency managers at all levels of government for nearly 100 years.”

“Often, amateur radio services have been used when other forms of communications have failed or have been disrupted. Today, nearly all the states and territories have incorporated some level of participation by amateur radio auxiliary communication operators into their Tactical Interoperable Communications Plans and Statewide Communication Interoperability Plans, allowing them to quickly integrate the operators into response efforts, which can strengthen communications and operations during incidents and planned events of any scale.”

Amateur Radio Service
A radio communication service for the purpose of self-training, intercommunication, and technical investigations carried out by amateurs, who are duly authorized persons interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.
Auxiliary Communications
Backup emergency radio communications provided by volunteers who support public safety and emergency response professionals and their agencies.